Houston-Based Board-Certified Urologist & Professor

Dr. Brian J. Miles

My name is Dr. Brian J. Miles and I’m a board-certified urologist. I am a Professor of Urology at Weill Cornell Medical College of Cornell University, Vice Chair of the Department of Urology and Medical Director of Robotic Surgery at Houston Methodist Hospital. I specialize in urologic oncology, especially cancer of the prostate. I am the physician in charge of Surgical Robot Training at Houston Methodist Hospital. Having served as the Director of the Urology Residency Program at Baylor College of Medicine, I continue to educate and provide professional direction to medical students, urology residents, and fellow urologists.

My primary focus and interest in clinical practice and research is in the detection and surgical treatment of prostate cancer, bladder cancer and kidney cancer. As one of the leading authorities in Texas and the country in the use of the daVinci robot surgical system, I have performed over 3,200 robotic prostatectomies (removal of the prostate), and many robotic cystectomies (removal of the bladder), and partial nephrectomies (removal of part of the kidney) procedures. I also travel widely as a lecturer, surgeon, and consultant on urological cancers to many foreign countries.

I have authored of over one hundred and seventy-five, peer-reviewed scientific papers and book chapters, and have worked with Dr. Peter Scardino as the associate editor of the landmark textbook, Comprehensive Textbook of Genitourinary Oncology. As a physician who is consistently listed in, Best Cancer Doctors in America, America’s Top Doctors, Best Doctors in America and Texas Super Doctor in Texas Monthly, I assure you that the care and treatment that you will receive from my staff and me will be of the highest quality and professionalism.

Thank you for visiting my website and please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions

Your Initial Visit
I look forward to seeing you in consultation and discussing your case. We will have a lengthy discussion regarding your diagnosis, grade of cancer (Gleason score), stage of cancer, and all the various treatment options including watchful waiting, external beam radiation therapy, brachytherapy (radioactive seeds implants into the prostate), cryosurgery (freezing the prostate) and removal of the prostate either by the robotic surgery or open techniques. I am, first and foremost, a cancer surgeon. It is important to understand the parameters that define your cancer because they will be used to individualize your treatment and your operation. Each prostate and each cancer of the prostate should be viewed as individual and different; therefore, each operation should be tailored to the individual patient and their needs. This is why I am a strong proponent of each biopsy core being individually sent so that I know where the cancer is located. There are some men in whom open prostatectomy may be more prudent, but, as my experience has expanded, I am able to perform a high-quality cancer operation in essentially all men using the robotic technique. Some will require the removal of pelvic lymph nodes in association with their cancer. These are generally men with a Gleason score of 3+4 or higher. Those with very high Gleason scores, 4+4 or higher, are patients in whom I will do an extended pelvic lymph node dissection, that is to get as many lymph nodes as possible, both for diagnostic but also for therapeutic reasons. This again will be discussed in great detail during your consultation.

I have performed a substantial number of open radical prostatectomies, in excess of 1,000 of these operations. Recognizing the important contribution robotic surgery could bring to the treatment of men with prostate cancer I quickly embraced this technology. I started out slowly, being certain the quality of the operation I was performing robotically was at least as good as what I could provide using the traditional open technique. After 18 years of increasing experience, I know that I can provide excellent “quality of life conserving” cancer care with either technique. To date, I performed over 4,500 robotic prostatectomies. There are some who say that the robotic technique is not as good as the open. As a cancer surgeon with over 30 years of experience, I can assure you that this is not true. By my count, there is only 5 urologists in the country who have performed over 1,000 open prostatectomies and 1,000 robotic prostatectomies, and I am one of them.  We have a strong basis to compare the two and all agree on the value of robotic surgery.

I encourage you to continue to educate yourself regarding your prostate cancer and its management. I look forward to seeing you in person to discuss your cancer and the different ways to treat it and which might be most appropriate for you

Contact Info

Scurlock Tower Suite 2100
6560 Fannin Street
Houston, Texas 77030

Phone: (713) 441-6455
Fax: (713) 790-4456


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